No pixel selected
Coords: Copy Link
Current Color:
Bought Price:
The contract is currently paused!
Welcome to the ETHTiles Dapp (decentralized app)! All the tile info is stored and modified by interacting with the ETHTiles smart contract.
To change the color of a tile/pixel, first click the "Connect" button and connect your wallet with the site. Then, click the tile on the canvas, and enter in how many tokens you want to pay for it, and the colour you want the pixel to be. Make sure the amount you are paying for it is higher than the current price paid for that title. Click "Approve Spending" to allow the contract to spend a limited amount of your tokens (permission can be easily revoked). Once that confirms, click "Buy Pixel". Once the transaction confirms, the tile will change to the colour you chose!
Use the WASD keys to move (go into settings to enable moving with arrow keys). On mobile, drag on the canvas to move. Moving on with WASD or arrow keys can be a bit janky, sorry about that.